It's Christmas week! The time of year where you are either dressed to the nines for a holiday party or else slummin' it in your jams the entire day, eating oranges and marathoning Christmas movies and paint-by-numbering like your life depends on it. :)
I come from a family of girls, where learning to put as little effort into your appearance as possible while still feeling pretty and mildly put together is a rite of passage. The day a girl figures out how to get ready to leave the house in under 5 minutes? That's the day that girl becomes a woman!
A huge proponent of this not-schlumpy comfort look is in the hair. Messy, not sloppy. Having an arsenal of hairdos you know you can pull off super fast, that look even better a little lived-in, that work well with jams, ugly Christmas sweaters, little black dresses, AND last minute panicked runs to the mall, that's your secret weapon.
As someone who travels for Christmas most years, I've got my on-the-road hair care to-go on lock down. I need one hair elastic, two bobby pins, and a can of hairspray, and I am ready to roll.
And now, in partnership with Living Proof, I shall share unto you all that I know about around-the-house hairdos! Don't worry it isn't much, it shouldn't take long. :)
What you'll need:

1. One (1) hair elastic and two (2) bobby pins
2. Hairspray/. I've been using + loving Living Proof's Control Hairspray.
3. Optional, but helpful: Styling creme! Good for hair that is naturally fine, or for when you just washed your hair and can't do a thing with it. I've loved using the Amp Instant Texture Volumizer from Living Proof. Bonus! You get a few samples whenever you make a purchase at Living Proof, Smear a small amount on your palm, then run your hands all through the middle and ends of your hair. Avoid the roots until the end. (I find a little near-dried texture volumizer at the root helps achieve volume, though soft, still-fresh volumizer, not so much.)
4. And yourself! This is me. Hi!
Okay, are you ready? Are you taking notes? You probably don't need to, just relax. Here we go! My favorite around-the-house hairdos, plus a few tips or explanations here and there.
I grew up with my mom doing this to my hair every morning before school as a kid. This hairstyle is a true Lovin institution.
Tip! I always start each new hairdo with a hefty dose of hairspray up front. My friend Rubi taught me this trick. The hairspray helps those little baby hairs know what they're doing and gives you better control. Spray your whole head! I've been really happy with Living Proof's Control Hairspray. It has a really even spray, is not at all wet or sticky, doesn't flake when you brush it out, and it holds on really well. And it smells amazing.
1. Separate your hair into pigtails.
2. Starting with one side, at your crown near your part, grab the two upper most bits of hair at your crown and then twist them back and away from your face, picking up more hair and adding to the twist as you go. (If you know how to french braid, this will come super naturally to you.)
3. Once you reach the base of your neck, use an elastic or bobby to secure the twist.
4. Repeat on the other side.
5. Once completed, pull both sides together, secure in place with your elastic, then loosen and pull hair out along the twist for a fuller and softer look.
The traditional french braid doesn't get enough credit! I always feel like Annie Reed from Sleepless in Seattle in a good french braid, and that kind of feeling's not nothing!
I believe in ending a french braid higher than you'd expect, because I like to loosen it up a lot, but if you want a tight braid you should continue pulling more hair in until you the braid has reached the top of your neck. Otherwise, I always end the french before it reaches my neck, and then braid down the rest of the hair.
Tight braid? You're finished. Loose? Here we go. Start at the bottom of your braid, and work your way up, pulling on the braid as you go up. Special attention to the area at the base of the braid, which has now been loosened to about mid-neck level.
It's pretty kicky! The braid provides volume and something fun and different from a usual pony. This style is also a lifesaver for when you're growing your bangs out.
Starting at the very front, very top of the crown, and only utilizing the center of your hair, tightly french braid for three or so inches. Imagine you are braiding a mohawk? Secure braid with bobby pins and pull remainder of hair into a high pony. Secure with an elastic. Taduh!
For this one I prefer to grab all the hair near my ears except the top front-most near my forehead. I pull those thin bits straight to the back of my head and pin! And then repeat on the other side.
A fun variation is to skip the pins and use an elastic. You're tying together just the loose fronts of your hair and then the bulk of it comes the back of the crown, leaving plenty of hair near your ears for zhushing in case you also suffer from sticky-outy ears.
(I saw this one a lot when I was in France this spring, in case that matters anything at all to you. :)
Self-explanatory? I like to use as little hair as possible. It lessens headache incidents :).
Now go forth and watch Elf again! At least make sure your stretchy pants are clean!
This post was sponsored by Living Proof. #YourBestHair