we're rocking the suburbs this week! since most days my family doesn't leave the house till well after noon, our little family has started sneaking off in the car in the mornings to go to far off, adventuresome places, like the local 7-11, and the target for wipes (and lip gloss) (and the CUTEST salt and pepper shakers ever), and other terribly exciting things.
it feels SO good to drive again. DRIVING! it turns out i do miss having a car. but more than that is i miss those cup holders. CUP HOLDERS. and big gulps! oh suburbs, you saucy lady.
it feels SO good to drive again. DRIVING! it turns out i do miss having a car. but more than that is i miss those cup holders. CUP HOLDERS. and big gulps! oh suburbs, you saucy lady.
also rad is the mall, and don't let anybody tell you otherwise.

the mall wants to love you! let the mall love you!