


we are coming upon that muggy part of the summer where all you want to eat for breakfast lunch and dinner is ice cream. so we met up with some friends in columbus circle on saturday evening and did just that. let's pretend sprinkles are chock full of vitamins, yeah? 

and then we came upon this... tea party?... in the park. how cute are they?

in certain parts of the east coast, chocolate sprinkles are called jimmies. 
how's that for your wednesday.


  1. rainbow sprinkles make everything better.

  2. i always say jimmies, sprinkles are bright colors! jimmies are chocolate! :) that tea party in the park is adorable.

  3. i always pretend anything chocolate is a vegetable. chocolate is made of chocolate beans - beans are vegetables, right? makes perfect sence to me =)

  4. Oh, Nat. I had a dream last night that I was visiting NYC and ran into you. You were nice enough to show me around for a few hours, but I got the distinct feeling that I was being a total creeper the entire time. Just like I feel like a total creep even writing this out!

    Ahh, enjoy those ice cream cones for me.

  5. That tea party is very cute! Somehow I don't think I could EVER get my husband to participate in something s cute as that.

  6. They call sprinkles "hundreds and thousands" in Scotland!

    I came upon a family having a picnic at a local estate with REAL china! Champagne glasses and all! Now, that's the way to picnic!!

  7. YAY JIMMIES! I grew up in VT and it was jimmies all the way! Beautiful photos, as always!

  8. I'm from Virginia and I say sprinkles. I had never heard the term jimmies until I went to college in Pennsylvania. There, they used it to refer to all colors of sprinkles. Then I found out in some places there are different terms for the different colors/shapes! Crazy! :)

  9. Jimmies are called jimmies in reference to the Jim Crow Laws. In actuality it's a terribly offensive name. I grew up in Boston and called chocolate sprinkles jimmies by entire life but when I learned that, I tried to switch to sprinkles. Alas, old habits die hard!

    I am just dyyying for a plain vanilla softee with jimmies! Ah!

  10. My mom always used to call them jimmies!

    PS Huck's rolls are the freaking cutest ever!

  11. I was in Central Park this weekend and past that SAME TEA PARTY and I definitely took pictures because I thought it was so random and great. I knew they would end up in the blogosphere somehow!

  12. Love those tea party people so cute! I never got a Mr. Softee when I was in New York but I saw them everywhere, now I'm wishing I had.

  13. we call them jimmies! (:

    looks like you had a delicious and adorable day!!


  14. Hi Tony and Nicole!!! I love them. friends from Seattle (nicole) and college (tony)!
    first time commenter on your blog. long time reader. by the way.

  15. Huck is the CUTEST! Oh man... I wish he and my baby girl could sit and eat Mr Softee's together ;) Xx

  16. HA! Too many things I love about this post. Calling them jimmies kind of fancies them up a little, right? They're not just your plain old sprinkles, no... they're jimmies! In any case, the west coast is sadly lacking in custard... and custard with jimmies is decidedly *not* the same as soft serve with sprinkles... shocking to learn upon my move to this side. :)

  17. Your post title is a lie. Everyday is for ice cream. Or is that just me? Either way, I now need an ice cream cone. Kids and ice cream cones are the best combo. Those are the messes I live for. Hucks sweet ice cream face makes me smile.

  18. why is huck so awesome?!
    i wanna be his friend!
    xo the egg out west.

  19. Adorable!! I totally want to join in on the tea party!

  20. jimmies, eh?? this is news to me. and i'm from dc. hm.

  21. jimmies! what are colorful sprinkles called??

  22. I grew up calling them jimmies too! Haven't heard that term in forever as I call them sprinkles now. Maybe its a southern thing? We also call it soda here in the south not pop like I used to call it growing up in Maine. Or Coke. Any kind of soda is called Coke. Its weird. Still not used to that in over 10 years of living here.

  23. My friend who happens to be African American grew up thinking that if the chocolate sprinkles were called jimmies that colored sprinkles had to be named jamaals. It's hard for me to even think about them being called anything else now!

  24. AnonymousJuly 18, 2012

    Your little man has the sweetest little chubby arms I have ever seen.

    1. AnonymousJuly 18, 2012

      I would like to re-iterate - this is a GREAT thing.

  25. we say "out west" and "back east".
    just sayin' ;)

  26. It's true, Skye. Here in Pennsylvania, chocolate sprinkles AND rainbow sprinkles are indiscriminately jimmies. I've got 28 years of experience being an ice cream enthusiast Pennsylvanian. I know.

  27. okay, that tea party is absolutely adorable! and yes, ice cream and sprinkles are necessary for those hot summer days!
    xo TJ

  28. I've lived in connecticut, new york, and new jersey, and I've only ever heard sprinkles called jimmies in massachusetts. I think while some places on the east coast call them jimmies, I don't think it can be decided by coast, or even by state. I don't want to sound like an internet meanie, I just wanted to add what I know from living on the east coast my entire life ;)

    p.s. And Huck...I can't believe that that child just keeps getting cuter. How is that even possible?!

  29. I think it's a PA thing... I call them jimmies but when I go somewhere else I try to call them sprinkles, so people don't get confused lol also "jimmies" is kindaaaa a weird word. Either way, I also <3 ice cream... all the time... and jimmies are what I get on them at the local DQ's :)

  30. It all just looks so charming...sigh.

  31. Oh my goodness he is so darling!! Check out my blog @ your blog has totally inspired me!!

  32. Yay! That made me smile. I grew up (in CT) calling them jimmies too.

  33. I want to go get an ice cream right now. With extra jimmies! :P

  34. that little mister is getting be a big mister little. and look at all that hair! give 'em fresh air and water and the grow- who knew!?

  35. Jimmies exist in Boston too I think. Also, how cute is Huck with his ice cream cone?? It's remarkable you managed to snap some shots without it all down his shirt! My son would love ice cream all day long...I wouldn't mind it either!

  36. I've only heard the term jimmies from certain places, never in NY! I adore rainbow sprinkles. All those bright colors, they must be full of good for you stuffs! You are supposed to eat a colorful diet right??

  37. AnonymousJuly 20, 2012

    I've always wondered if people asked for permission before taking pictures of random strangers and posting them on the Internet. How does that work?

  38. Yeah I'm from Jersey and they are jimmies all the way all the time... chocolate... rainbow... it doesn't matter. But then again we call our soft serve custard too... It is by far my absolute favorite part of summer... custard... twist with chocolate jimmies!

  39. What a stylish little hipster! All he needs is a stash and a sweet bike! xo

  40. AnonymousJuly 26, 2012

    So lovely pics, your little boy is adorable. I love the picnic


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