Heyyyyy guys! What day is it? Is it still Christmas outside?
I've been spending way too much time watching Gilmore Girls lately. Between the hours of midnight and, like, 5AM, thank you, lack of impulse control, and I'm so tired these days I barely know my own name, it's like Night of the Living Dead around here. So obviously I'm going to attempt a blog post. You're thrilled! Smart decision-making skills are always the first to go during massive sleep deprivation situations, so I'm sure we're in for some fun. (Netflix jet lag, the great equalizer.)
(I feel highly betrayed by the April story line. Why you gotta play me like that, Luke Danes? Come on!)

Bertrand! So I want to talk about the lights situation. How do you like your tree lit? Colored? Clear? I used to watch my parents string the lights on our tree when I was a kid, always the day after Thanksgiving, always with good intentions of finishing that night, but always forgetting that the lights-stringing portion of the event likes to last two days at a minimum, because, my mom. My sisters would usually give up + go to bed after an hour or so but I'd usually sit there on the couch, waiting up, watching them go, one eyebrow raised, learning valuable things about human nature + lights stringing + what a healthy give-and-take in a marriage might (or might not) look like. :) It was always the most dramatically charged night of the year. We were lucky to have made it out alive.

What you are basking in right here is the glow of approximately thirty thousand strands of Christmas lights, only two of which are reliably lit from end to end at any given moment.
I like to string steady lights first, then add the outdoor patio lights that I'm always worried will burn us to a crisp, and then, this year, we added some twinkle lights. Twinkle lights! I don't know what it says about a person that we are only now finally twinkle light kind of people, but, whatever.
Then I like to live with it for a bit + turn my attention to other parts of the house, make sure I am settled in my soul and happy with the direction things are going, you know, watch too much Gilmore Girls, start to obsess over baseball hats . . . let Barrold talk me into finding him a big red bow . . .

Oh Barry, you old cutie.
(Once I finished with Barry, Huck walked into the room and announced, "Barry's looking weird.")

Today, I was ready to finish the job. Well, it was ornaments or it was fall asleep on the couch or it was watch another episode of Gilmore Girls, but look, I'm on a self-imposed break. It was starting to get, you know.

Bert was too much for our tree skirt, it wasn't up to the job. So instead he got a Fresh Direct box turned inside out. Pretty fancy.

I like him! And then we did takeout Pad Thai and watched While You Were Sleeping.

The end.
Bertrand is one tree with incredible swag! He almost needs 'viscount' at the beginning of his name, he's so grand.
ReplyDeleteI like your giant tree! And that you name it. I wonder if my tree would live longer, if I names it.
ReplyDeleteLove the tree's name...Bertrand...it is perfect!!...and the variety of lights - the patio lights add so much! and Luke Danes...oh, Luke Danes.
ReplyDeletewe all hated the April thing. What a nasty thing to do. Problem was... Amy Sherman Palladino (the writer) was not involved in the last 2 (or 3? the ones where it gets very UN-gilmor-y) seasons. It changed a bit... dramatically. You'll see (this is a nasty thing to do, too).
ReplyDeleteAnyway, your fancy tree is beautiful!
oh my gosh that explains EVERYTHING. I couldn't put my finger on what was making season 6 so weird. this means I'll pull a felicity and pretend season 6 episode 1 was the REAL finale ;). or something.
Deletegood idea!
DeleteI'm glad I'm not the only one who has marital spats over Christmas tree lights or any decorating that is. haha. (don't even get me started on present wrapping and it's my husband who is the more particular one ;-) ).
ReplyDeleteYour tree is glorious! Your post reminds me of one of my favorite Maya Angelou quotes that I've found to be very true: “I've learned that you can tell a lot about a person by the way (s)he handles these three things: a rainy day, lost luggage, and tangled Christmas tree lights.
ReplyDeleteWhile You Were Sleeping is an awesome movie! (filmed in Chicago! I'm from/live there.) My mom also loves it so watching it always makes me think of her. Bertrand and Barry look great as well!
ReplyDeleteCan we please talk about all the glorious sweaters Sandra wears in While You Were Sleeping?
ReplyDeletelove his roundness...if I may.
ReplyDeleteLooks so inviting!! I'm sort of feeling that line "Lucy..you didn't have to go and do that." "Well, I wanted to." "I haven't even gotten out to do my Christmas shopping yet..." Thats me. I haven't put up one decoration, haven't purchased one gift. It's been 50 degrees and sunny with no snow in Salt Lake City and time is flying so fast it hasn't felt like the Christmas season! I need to get on the ball cuz I love this time of year. Anyway...Rambling post over. hehe.
ReplyDeleteNatalie! Thank you for being so inspiring and always sharing amazing stories and pictures. I want to be you when I grow up - actually I am already a half-grown up so I'd say when I get married and kids (I mean this in a not creepy way, haha!) :-) Also, you are my movie/tv-show twinsie because of the Meg Ryan movies and Gilmore Girls. Have a nice holiday, a wonderful Christmas. Sending you many many kisses all the way from Hungary!
ReplyDeleteI cannot stop with GG either. I have my ipad playing episodes all day long (when I'm in the shower, when I'm making lunch, when I'm eating, when I'm folding laundry). Something weird is going to happen to me when it is all over.
ReplyDeleteps I love your tree, it is perfectly perfect.
Natalie! Where did you get the rug that is under your dining table? I love it and it is exactly what I have been looking for! Bertrand looks beautiful as well!;)
ReplyDeleteSome days I can't handle the drama of Gilmore Girls. Like Luke, come on Luke! But I watch them any ways, because you can't not watch one episode after another after another.
ReplyDeleteAny way, "Barry looks weird", HA! It all looks lovely to me.
I just wish I had the room for a big ole full tree like Bertrand. I haven't named my tree but she's a skinny little thing so maybe I'll call her.... ummm.... wow what's a good skinny name? I thought about Kate Moss but I'm not a huge fan of her and my tree is waaaaaay prettier... maybe I'll just call her skinny minnie... Idk, I'm at a loss...
ReplyDeleteGorgeous gorgeous!! Hope you're doing ok, sounds like some major insomnia happening over there
ReplyDeleteBeautiful tree! I love the snowflakes and pine cones.
I thought your cardboard box was actually made of brass and super modern looking :)
ReplyDeleteI liiiike it!
ReplyDeleteSo glad you're watching Gilmore Girls - it will forever be my all-time favorite show!! xx
ReplyDeleteWhile you were sleeping...the best Christmasy non-Christmas movie!
ReplyDeleteHello from Walla Walla, sorry I never comment. I've been reading since you were Nat the Fat Rat and I am inspired! Merry Christmas....it's 7pm, the kids are not watching something cool like Gilmore Girls, but instead My Little Pony. Sigh. Time for a 7PM nap.
ReplyDeleteLove your tree! Enjoy the festivities in Brooklyn! xo
ReplyDeleteThat tree is gorgeous -Hanna Lei