


here is something you may not know about our dashing brandon holbrook: he is a mediocre listener, and his very favorite movie of all time is joe vs. the volcano. (the fact that both of our favorite movies feature the tom hanks/meg ryan duo is just about the cutesiest thing ever, isn't it?  barrrrrf.) 

over christmas, when we visited all of our things in storage, i issued strict orders to brandon to bring my guitar back home with him on the flight as a carry on. he was flying to new york before me and since i'd have my hands covered in huck i couldn't manage it. only somehow when i said "don't forget the guitar" on the phone the night before he flew home, what he heard was "don't bother remembering the guitar!" typical husband. typical.

i've been missing my guitar lately. i miss playing music around the house. i love to sing, i miss singing, and i really want huck to grow up with instruments around to play with. so what did that old husband of mine do, he up and bought me a ukulele to make up it.

he requested that the first song i learn to play be "that cowboy song from joe vs. the volcano. you know the one?" 

oh boy do i.
here you go, husband.

next up, i'm hoping to learn these sweet little numbers:

anybody wanna pick up that trumpet part with me?


  1. "don't bother remembering the guitar!" -- i just laughed out loud.

  2. you had my one year old singing and bobbing her head. well done. you have a beautiful voice.

  3. Beyond talented! Your voice is so melodic and beautiful. My 3 year old came over to watch when she heard you singing...then she giggled at the "cute little baby". :)

  4. So awesome! You have an excellent voice and are so talented! I have always wanted that - I have a dreadful singing voice and no sense of tune. My daughter's preschool teacher has a beautiful voice so my daughter says, you sing like Teacher Carol? I start to sing and she says, nooooo, like Teacher Carol, not Mommy. Ha! Enjoy that uke!

  5. Ha! That is one of MY husband's favorite movies and he made us watch it together when there was bad weather one day on our honey moon.

    Great voice!

  6. oh, i LOVE joe vs the volcano! and you have a very lovely voice.

  7. love it! and you HAVE to learn moon river-classic! :)

  8. your voice is amazing! you could certainly fall in the ranks of zooey deschanel

  9. I feel completely and utterly useless after watching that.....

  10. Oh oh oh how wonderful! You have a beautiful voice Natalie! Can't wait to hear the other songs!

    Happy Thursday from Berlin!
    xo Laura

  11. I wish I had speakers on my computer at work! what kind of dinosaur piece of poop am I working on?

  12. cute..i love when huck gets off the couch to go to the camera :) i'll have to watch this movie next!

  13. my girl crush on you has officially been solidified.

  14. Adorable, and as everyone else has said, you have a great singing voice! Makes me want to pick up the ukelele too.

  15. So stinking cute!!! I wish I could sing...alas I cannot carry a tune in a bucket. Luckily hubby can sing and play guitar so our future children will not be subjected to my squawking!

  16. Oh Nat! Ryan and I just sang Tonight You Belong to Me a few weeks ago. He plays the guitar so it sounds a touch different, but still pretty. And you don't need a trumpet--just use your whistlin' lips.

    You're a dream, Nat. A tiny little dream.

  17. thank heavens for your beautiful voice.

    my son was a huge surprise- which was an overwhelming blessing. but i always planned on taking singing lessons while pregnant, because i wanted to be able to sing (properly) to my son... but with all the catch up i played preparing to be mommy, i missed out. for now. soon, i will be better i tell him.

  18. you have such a lovely voice.. that video breaks my heart- he is going to be SO HAPPY his momma is this awesome (:

    my friend plays that steve martin song on her uke all the time.. its quite lovely...

  19. so cute! are you wearing overalls?!

  20. That video was just about the most charming thing I have ever seen in all my days.

  21. So cute!!! We sing non stop in our house too. What a wonderful thing when music fills the home :)

  22. so rockin! this is my house: music. kids. singing. guitar. i am missing the uke tho---want one badly. hey husby--- it's my birthday monday. whatchyou got? ;)

  23. This just made my day. And your voice is so, so lovely.

  24. Oh come on...too cute, too beautiful, too pretty, thanks a lot.

  25. um, i love the jerk. steve martin is just so completely wonderful. and that scene is hilarious.

    also, you have a lovely voice and an adorable little boy. stop it.

  26. Natalie you have no idea how hard I laughed when I found out that your husband’s favourite movie is Joe Vs the Volcano. I actually wondered if you had seen it because as you know Meg Ryan is in it three times. Also I think you have a very nice voice and should post videos of you singing moon river because, well who doesn’t love that song?

  27. You have such a gorgeous voice! I love the sound of a ukelele, although I'm absolutely terrible at guitar, tried to learn years ago and I didn't get it.

    Also, just saying, if you made more videos of songs like that with Huck, I'D LISTEN! they are so adorable! Anyone else see a future career as a folk singer?!?


  28. Yes!My husband and I love Joe vs. the Volcano and none of our friends get it. I feel so validated right now.

  29. I die of cuteness. Me wants a ukelele.

  30. You've got some pipes lady!

  31. joe vs. the volcano is one of the weirdest movies, but i love it. my husband's and my favorite line to quote is, "i know he can get the job, but can he do the job?" over and over and over and over. your singing rocks.

  32. I've always wanted to know if the ukulele was similar to playing the guitar! And after hearing your performance I render that I now need one. :)

  33. Wow, you have an amazing voice! I really wish I knew an instrument. Someday I'd love to learn the guitar or ukelele. Maybe more the guitar.

  34. Um hello. This needs to happen more often! I am thinking like something we can listen to at home!? You are so ligit! Please make us a lovely lullaby cd we can have our babies listen to or even a nice list of covers from your favorite movies would be nice :)

  35. You two are just too freaking cute, Tom/Meg movies and all. (Oh I forgot about Joe Vs. The Volcano - time to dig that one out and watch it again!). You have SUCH a beautiful voice. That's what's been keeping me from learning to play my ukulele - the fact that you pretty much have to sing with it. Makes me think I'd best stick to the violin and let people like you play the uke. ;)

  36. Oh you sound great! I had never heard of "the cowboy song". I love it.

  37. Neat-o! Ukulele's are fun!

  38. You have such a beautiful voice! Wish I played the ukulele.

  39. You have such a gorgeous voice! Huck is beyond adorable.

  40. are you kidding me? cutest momma ever. serious girl crush now...!

  41. AMAZING!!! just became even cuter!! Is that even possible??!!! :)

  42. You're really good. And sooo cute it's ridiculous. And Huck's obviously taken after you (and his dad, I'm sure).

  43. You have a beautiful voice!

  44. You have such a great voice :) Loved that song and so sweet of the holbs :)

  45. Beautiful voice, Nat! I've been wanting a new guitar for quite a while but can't afford one. It never occurred to me to get a ukulele instead. Brilliant move, Brandon! And it looks like Brandon will have to learn the Steve Martin part, at least until Huck can do it. ;)

  46. You are spectacular! But of course the best part is Huck getting all up in the screen shot at the end :)

  47. ahahaha! that clip from The Jerk. "you dont?... she does?... she didn't?"

  48. What a sweet, sweet video of you and your little man! Keep 'em coming! :)

  49. my, what a talent you are! so good.

    ohhh, moon river -- the sweetest little song there ever was. and with lines like "my huckleberry friend"? just perfect.

  50. How lovely was that? Quite, I must say. I love the little guy at the end, too!

  51. I have a ukulele, too! Though mine was a dollar find of dubious quality at the local DI. I have nary a clue as to how to play it (and am too riddled with a vague feeling of first-trimester barfiness to try), but I DID tune it to the key of C so I sound like I know what I'm doing when I strum it and sing "The Farmer in the Dell." My skills are quite in demand at this house, but I suspect they wouldn't translate into a lovely video such as yours!

  52. Beautiful, smart, fantastic writer and great musician? Please tell me you have bad body odor or something because no human should be that perfect.

  53. that made me smile from ear to ear! you have a beautiful voice :)

  54. goodness, you have a beautiful voice! please share more :)
    xoxo, great little day

  55. love your voice and the scarf around your head :)

  56. i had to come back and listen again. please post more songs as you learn! i'm inspired to go buy a ukulele now :)

  57. Well don't you just have the sweetest singing voice? Love!

  58. That was amazing! I love your voice and the way you sang the song! Please do more singing videos!!!

  59. you sound a lot like zee avi! and she's amazing.

  60. You have a stunning voice :)

  61. This comment has been removed by the author.

  62. that was so good natalie! and moon river. oh. i love moon river. kills me everytime.

  63. You will forgive me while I have a complete laughing fit over poor huck's pants!!!

  64. "You have a brain cloud." Joe vs the Volcano is fantastic!! Beautiful, beautiful song. You sounded so great!!

  65. Lovely, I wish I could sing half as good as you! So sad the holbs forgot your guitar though :(

  66. Your voice is stunning! Such a lovely video. xo

  67. Oh this is so sweet! You have a lovely voice!

  68. You have such a pretty voice! I love Huck's reaction, though. He's TOTALLY interested.

  69. Beautiful AND talented, I see. My one great regret is that I never learned an instrument. I even got a guitar for Christmas one year, and being the lazy-bones I am, never learned to play it.

  70. You have a great voice! It's so pretty, you almost make me wish I could sing :)

  71. Sooooooo beautiful!!! All of it!

  72. With singing like that no wonder you want to have Huck surrounded with it. Lovely. Yes Steve McQueen kept my heart aflutter a few times. Did not know he could sing. Thanks for sharing.

  73. oh you have such a beautiful voice! lovely :) and he's sooo adorable! xoxo

  74. You and your holbs are just adorable. I hope you are getting more back tickles than you did back in your Idaho days. XO

  75. I am pretty sure I had a revelation of this post. A few days ago I had a dream that you and the holbs were putting on a small cross country tour and I got to meet you at your sound check. HA I love this video. So cute.

  76. Oh my gosh, your voice is like from the heavens! You will probably be famous someday, Natalie Holbrook.

  77. Holy cow girl, you can sing! Such a pretty voice! I love that song! My sister and I used to watch Joe versus the Volcano all the time growing up. I recently just bought on dvd and was like, "How have I made it through my adult life without owning this??". Such a classic!

  78. are too dang cute. From the scarf to the nails to the song and voice. You're a doll!! Oh, and of course, that sweet babe of yours. Yep, too cute.

  79. So good Nat! And I LOVE the Moon River scene. When I first saw the video screenshot with the scarf and wistful look, I thought you were doing that ... can't wait.

  80. What chords are you playing? Is your uke standard tuned GCEA?

  81. okay, could your voice be any cuter? you are just so talented. and i must know, are playing the guitar and ukulele the same as far as playing?
    and yes to meg and tom. perfect combo.
    and steve martin is always lovely. especially in roxanne ;)
    xo TJ

  82. Holy crap Natalie! That was awesome!

  83. You are absolutely wonderful. Huck is very lucky little guy!

  84. LOVE! You sound like a sixties folk singer with a celtic twist. I was just thinking tonight that if I never learned anything else, that Moon River on the uke should be it. Then I wondered if maybe you sing it to your Huckleberry friend. And lo and behold. And JOE! Giddyup. I love him. The movie of my heart. I actually did a presentation in high school on that movie. Showed it to the class and then analyzed the stink out of it. So much symbolism that now I wonder if I made half of it up. But seriously, sister, I'm wondering if the song isn't complete without the giddyup?

  85. Huck is so cute in the whole video .......... Pretty voice

  86. You are absolutely wonderful. Huck is very lucky little guy!

    unique Shag Area



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