


as i type up this sure-to-be-fantastic blog post we are watching you've got mail. i say that having to stream you've got mail on amazon instant video because your copy skips too much (your second copy in five years mind you) . . . this is a sign that you are doing things right.

so obviously before i could get around to writing this masterpiece i needed to order myself a new-new copy of you've got mail, because digitally streaming your you've got mail is something that i feel frank "i needed a back up" navasky would definitely frown upon, and as we have previously discussed, i am a frank. i also ordered a copy of overboard because come on now. and now we are ready to begin. 

cleansing breath.

so today we ran all over the place. we went to kestè in the village for lunch, i had a meeting in the flat iron with my editor, we went to the doughnut plant and decided that the creme brulée doughnut is the ONLY doughnut worth ordering, and then we wandered around chelsea market for a bit.

right and so now we are watching you've got mail. 

up first, kesté.

and now, ivy.
ivy and BIKES!
and this. alex and i debated over whether this was an art installation or just a real tired dude. i'm not sure where would one even find a reclining lawn chair in the city, so my money's on art installation. 

not on the syllabus but worth noting: on my way to my meeting this afternoon i found two pristine-condition NASA temporary tattoos lying on the street. the luck! and also here is my pretty sister alex wearing my sweater because it was 65 degrees out and HEAVENLY. now i love summer as much as the next girl but sweaters . . .  you know i'm always ready for you, sweaters. 
chelsea market for a hot minute (it always smells bananas good in the chelsea market, even if you're still recovering from creme brulée doughnuts).
and my sweet heart baby sleeping off his blueberry doughnut sugar crash.

all in all. a very good day. 


  1. LOVE West Village. The oatmeal doughnut at Doughnut Plant is my fave!

  2. AnonymousJuly 26, 2013

    k you guys look so much alike, there is one picture that I still don't know if it's you or her!

  3. You are hilarious! I love your writing. Found you on a site about getting your period at 7 weeks postpartum. Seriously awesome writing! Write a book if you haven't...seriously! I love you, and I love your son, and I have never met you, but I love your spirit. Jesus loves you too. If you haven't really heard what He's done for anyone who would receive Him, or what He can do for anyone who love Him, then I would strongly urge you to check out His awesome words in the Bible. might be amazed at what He promises to those who love Him. God bless you and your family.

  4. What yummy looking adventures! Also, Overboard, yes. That is my jam.

  5. I really like the lampshades you photographed, wish I could have one in my roomxx

  6. Your writing is so gold. You and your sister are so darn gorgeous!

  7. sounds like a fun day. it's always fun to have your little sis around, right?!
    pizza with arugula and prosciutto is one of my favorites. yum. and i love the creme brulée doughnut from the doughnut plant.

    no wonder "you've got mail" always reminds me of you as you are talking about it so much. ;) i just recently watched it too.

  8. I have to second Jessica. I kept thinking "wait...which is which?".

  9. Great photos...those single shots both of you and your sister, stunning!

  10. okay overboard might be one of my favorite movies ever. ever since i watched it for the first time when i was little (and probably way too young for it. perks of having an older sister that likes to live on the edge). and also, you were having a really good everything day. hair, face... you all look absolutely gorgeous in the pictures.

  11. Your hair is looking awesome. Just thought I'd point that out. Ah, You've Got Mail. I always want it to be fall when I watch that movie.

  12. 1.I have a hard time ranking "favorites" in general, but You've Got Mail wins best movie, hands down.
    2. This is random, but what is your heritage? You and your sister are both so gorgeous!

  13. cannot ever go wrong with you've got mail.

  14. I can not wait for fall!!!!! Hands down my favorite season!!! You must love having your sister there!!!! She's such a beauty!!!


  15. I vote the single photo of you be your new blog photo. Jus' throwing that out there. XO.

  16. Ok, for a moment there I thought you girls were the same person. As anyone in the world, I love the West Village!

  17. My mom still has our old VHS copy and every time I visit, I turn the thermostat to the perfect temperature to imitate crisp autumnal weather, I get a big cup of coffee, and I curl up under a blanket and watch it on the VCR. There's something about the way low quality and those little lines that sometimes come across the screen--oh, and the act of rewinding that makes the movie so good.

    I feel like there was this version of NY in the 90s in that movie that was so perfect, I want to exist perpetually. I've never been to New York so, who knows, maybe it does in some pocket on the Upper West Side. But I just need to believe that it is still there, untouched by modern computers with high-speed Internet connections. And people still have two names. There's no generation made up entirely of cocktail waitresses. Everyone believes that daisies are the friendliest flower. And, at the very least, that there's still somewhere in this world that you can find a ten-gallon vat of olive oil for $3.99.

    Jo Farmer

  18. I cannot get over how much you and your sister favor each other (which I am sure you hear a lot). I think the West Village is perfect. Do it. I would be lost without your lovely pictures. Keep 'me coming.

  19. The pizza looks so good, and I still can't wait for your book. -Hanna Marie

  20. Those doughnuts kinda look like they are from Dough....and if they're not and you haven't had Dough yet, you NEED to! They're in BK but they're usually at Smorgasburg and various festivals and they are so. freaking. good.

    Blonde in this City

  21. darling blog. you and your sister are identical. sister time is always needed!

  22. your hair is looking all sorts of fabulous! extensions or the real deal? either way, it's amazing.

    ahh, the west village. it is my favorite neighborhood in the city, but as for where to live, i'm definitely an uptown girl in my white-bread world and all that jazz. :)

  23. I love that you always wear lashes! What kind/brand/label(??) do you use??

    xo Lisa
    Making Life's Lemons

  24. most of all, this post has made me want to spend nap time washing and fixing and loving my hair... sheesh man!

  25. Oh Natalie, the West Village was the WORST with kids. There's no moms that stay home, two parks, thousands of bong shops and porn shops that require lots of eye shielding, and the worst is since everybody is young and super cool and super without kids they walk around and give you a dirty look for the audacity of bringing your kid to a restaurant and giving them looks when they're throwing f-bombs all over the place. When we moved to New York I thought it was the loveliest, quaintest, best place to have my kids frolic in but it was awful.

  26. this cool weather is my favourite. if the rest of the summer was like this, i would be one happy girl.

  27. For how long I've been reading your blog, it's just silly that I can't tell the two of you apart.

  28. I swear you two could be twins. And what a fun summer you're having!

  29. We just moved to the West Village (and to NYC) and I am pretty sure some of your pictures where taken right in front of our house!
    Love it so far!

  30. Love your outfit. The striped skirt and perfect slouchy gray top. Where are they both from?

  31. if i ran into you when i'm in NYC next month, i wouldn't be mad about it.

  32. Bank and Waverly! Love that neighborhood.

  33. You and your sister are too cute!! You make me want to come up and visit!

  34. You are too funny! First off, you made me want to watch you've got mail right this second, second-lol, my dream neighborhood is Chelsea, with the overpriced rents,so I also use the power of the secret! Still waiting, but it works right?! And third, I'm totally with you on art installation! I'm off to see if Netflix has you've got mail!


  35. Oh, I love the West Village, but Chelsea Market owns my heart. Lol. or not because I am seriously serious. :P

  36. AnonymousJuly 27, 2013

    Totally agree with you about the creme brulee doughnut - it's the only way to go!

  37. One: You two could be twins.
    Two: That baby of yours is the most scrumptious baby in all the land.
    Three: That dude is just way too excited for Jonathan Adler.

  38. Dear Miss Natalie,

    Sisterhood, much like motherhood, becomes you. Looking hot sister!

  39. Oh my your shoes! That ivy! The pizza!! Beautiful post. Much love to the rest of your sister-filled weekend!

  40. I just started a new job on Gansevoort and now I have an excuse to walk just a block or few south to wander around the West Village and I don't have a single complaint about it. So good, right? Well done to your sister for calling off a wedding if it wasn't feeling right. So incredibly hard, so incredibly brave.

  41. lovelovelove these photos, so full of wonderfulness and beauty!

  42. Gosh, I would give anything for weather cool enough for a sweater right now! We have just been melting here in Germany and I have been begging for an early autumn (which is my favorite season anyway).

    I must ask, how are your zipcode boots wearing? I've been wanting a pair for awhile, but at such an investment, I want to be sure I will love them, you know? Plus, as a fellow urban-dweller who walks everywhere, comfort is key!

    Also, loving your sister's red print shirt and glasses, as well as your striped skirt. Such fashionable siblings!

  43. you two are just gorgeous beauties. And aside from the donuts, pretty New York shots, sleeping Huck, and lovely style, Overboard was just the best mention in this post. My all time favorite. AAAAH, now I need to spend this evening watching it.

  44. Hi! So I have read your blog for a while but I am more the silent stalker type and never comment. BUT I have been trying to figure out why your sister looks so familiar to me and I realized she started in the music program in Rexburg during my last year there and I am pretty sure we took from the same voice teacher (Linford?) and did master class together and such. So now I feel like I actually have a legitimate reason to read your blog and when my husband makes fun of me for reading about other people's lives I can be like "hey. I kind of know her sister." you know.

  45. You are just my absolute favorite! Longtime reader, new commenter. It looks like you're having so much fun! And Henry Holbrook, field trip crasher, is hysterical! Have a wonderful weekend :)

  46. Would you believe that I am the type of a person who rarely eats pizza? I don’t know what’s in it that I prefer to eat chicken only every time someone orders me pizza. I adore you for being my counterpart as reflected in your photos. It seems you have a fulfilling life. Congratulations!

    My homepage | Online PhD UK

  47. Please tell me where your leopard sweater is from? Please! It's perfection.


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