my parents have a dog. his name is monty.
monty came into our lives in the summer of 2003. brandon and i were engaged and planning a wedding, and then one day my dad came home with this puppy. he was adorable. his ears were all floppy, he was incredibly fluffy, but also he had a terrible skin condition. my parents called the kennel for advice a few days in and the kennel said, well this other one doesn't have a skin condition, so let's trade? they were much better equipped to care for a dog with special skin needs, and so. that is the story of monty one.
but here is the story of monty two; full name montague shannon macduff, because proper scottish dogs deserve a proper scottish name.
monty two is a west highland white terrier, commonly called a westie for short. they are loyal companions and fierce hunters, and fluffy as the day is long. monty is no exception. though he was always a little scrawny, he was as proud as could be, ready to take up a tussle at any moment, and above all, always ready to jump on your lap the minute you sat on the couch.
because he was coming in just as i was going out, we joked that he was my replacement. and he was, in a lot of ways. monty was never just a dog. he's come along on every road trip and family reunion. he sits on my dad's lap while my dad takes conference calls in the office at home as if the operation couldn't go on without him.
when amanda graduated they replaced her with a second puppy, named mattie. she died in a really tragic accident, so then my parents wised up the next time around and replaced alex with a vintage stuffed goose, who lives on the fireplace mantle. this year when blake graduated from high school, they found themselves a nice antique four-pronged deer. he is currently mounted in the entry way.

when monty was around a year old or so, he was hit by a car. we are assuming it was a car, but actually we still don't know what happened. all we know is that one day my mom let monty out for a potty in the back yard, and then he mysteriously turned up a few hours later, completely covered in blood, with half of his face smashed in. he was rushed to the animal hospital and after a few surgeries to try and save his eye (they couldn't), he came home in need of a lot of TLC. my dad brought that puppy back to life. he fed him three times a day from a syringe and put eye drops in his eyes and carried him outside to carefully prop him up so he could use the restroom like a proper gentleman. (luckily he works from home!) it was touch and go there for a while, but thanks to my dad he made a full recovery. though for a long time monty didn't have much feeling or muscle control in his jaw, so whenever he'd eat, half of his food would slosh down the side of his face, and whenever he'd walk around his teeth would chatter. it kind of made a k-k-k-k-k-k-k sound.
from then on he was known as one-eyed monty. my parents bought him an eye patch once, so then he was pirate monty.
this dog has not had an easy go of it, and somehow he takes beating after beating and always bounces back. once, when he was out on a walk, a neighborhood dog pushed through a loose slat in the fence, bit monty square on the nose, then pulled him through to the yard with his teeth. add that one to his tab at the vet. but the experience didn't scare monty a lick. to this day when he walks past that fence, he barks his brains off.

monty has always had horrible seasonal allergies. he barely gets through a quarter of the year without a terrible show of snarfing and sneezing. these sneezes are huge. they shake his whole body head to tail and startle anyone in a twenty-foot radius. "bless you!" someone will always exclaim. not to mention his digestive issues. oh dear. and then one day a few years back, he up and went blind. occasionally he'd softly bump his head into a wall and we'd have to stifle our giggles. but that dog kept on trucking.
he owes this to my dad. my dad is his reason for living, and the two of them are inseparable. sometimes i think there must be a monty-shaped indent on my dad's legs from all these years of lap sitting. where my dad goes, there goes monty. they even share the man chair in the living room, where they watch old cowboy movies or read some big old biography about some important old person. sometimes monty will switch it up and lay just behind my dad's head along the top of the arm chair. in his other life i'm convinced monty was an afghan. or perhaps a throw pillow.
monty has been a fantastic uncle, to all of my babies. first to peter pan. he loved peter pan. (he sort of only tolerated barnaby macduff.) when i brought huck home to meet his uncle monty for the first time, he was just as gentle and calm as could be. he liked to snuggle up beside us whenever we'd sit down to nurse. he's always known his place in the family, he is like a brother to us. and when we're face timing with guapo and grandma jumie and monty hears our voices, he gets so so excited. he is just like my dad, he loves it best when all of his family is around him.
puppies are a certain kind of heart break, i know that truth intimately. we love them like our children, though it isn't a fair comparison. when we bring babies into our family, we have every reason to believe that they will survive us. we plan for eighteen years plus the rest of our lives to love them, and barring illness or accidents, we do. but puppies won't stay for long. ten years, fifteen at most. we bring these fur babies into our lives anyway, knowing full well that inevitably, they have to break our hearts. we willingly set ourselves up for this great, huge loss. we know the hole they are going to leave behind when they go. we know that puppies will always have to leave us too soon.
monty is ten years old now, and it was recently discovered that he is in kidney failure. the vet gave him a year or so before he would become too uncomfortable, but while my parents were away the last few weeks and he was staying with a family friend, he took a turn for the worse. he was checked into the puppy hospital for the last of my parents time in new york, where he got all the care the world could offer. my dad tried to schedule an earlier flight home to be with him, but airlines are just the worst. they got home saturday night and he was still hanging on. so they brought him home from the hospital to his favorite spot on the couch to spend a few quiet days with him before it was time to go.
heaven has a special place for our dogs, i just know it. and monty has been one of god's finest. and oh how my heart breaks for my dad, who will tell you if you ask that he's just fine and it's only a dog, but really i know that he is hurting. he will grieve this loss deeply. since he's been home monty has become weaker and weaker. bless his sweet heart, but he is ready to go. i'm just so glad that he was able to hold on long enough for my dad to be there with him.
they will be bringing monty to the vet tonight to say their final goodbyes. 8pm pacific time. i so wish i could be there. i would love to pet that sweet, fractured little head of his and stroke those scruffy ears, and whisper to him, "monty, you are a good dog."
i think that's all a dog ever hopes to hear.
my thoughts and prayers are with my parents tonight as they face the hard task of letting him go. i am just heart sick for them, and so glad to have had the pleasure of knowing such a splendid little dude. monty is going to take heaven by storm tonight, both eyes intact, running as fast as could be and seeing everything there is to be seen.
you're a good dog, monty. thanks for being such a pal.

Awnnnn... beautiful, yet so sad... Wish all the best to Monty wherever he is...
ReplyDeleteI have a Westie too, so I feel you...
God bless Montie. We should all be so lucky to have such a loyal companion!
ReplyDeleteps You are such a gifted writer! This blog post is crying out to be a children's book ;->
Make that "Monty" with a "y" (using the right spelling is very important!)
ReplyDeleteNatalie, what a truly beautiful essay. I am a reader who has never commented before but felt compelled to tonight. I am a veterinarian and I love to listen to people talk about their pets like it's my job ;) Helping families say goodbye to their furry friends is both the hardest and most honorable part of my job. I always feel so blessed to help give them one last gift - to be able to help to ease their suffering. Don't worry - I always whisper what a good boy/girl they are because that is what I have always thought they want to hear too (I really do). Please know that your family is in my thoughts.
ReplyDelete~Kiley (doctorwally.blogspot.com)
kiley, thank you for sharing that! I loved to read it. you're an angel to those puppies and their families, thank you for taking on such a hard but noble job. xoxo
DeleteThat was beautiful, Nat. Sending love to you and your family.
ReplyDeleteWhat a sweet little guy! Losing pets makes me very emotional, but I always try to think of all the hilarious and sweet moments they brought with them. Aren't we lucky that God has a sense of humor and gives dogs personalities?
ReplyDeleteSending my best thoughts and prayers to your family.
And now you have me in tears...
ReplyDeleteSuch a beautiful love letter to Monty, I am sure he is going to go out one happy puppy. Thinking of your family tonight Natalie, I hope your Dad will be OK in time. I can't imagine losing a puppy, I am dreading the day we have to say goodbye to ours. I'll be giving our dogs extra hugs tonight.
ReplyDeleteSo sad for your little Monty, sending out hugs and lots of love to puppy heaven and your family tonight. This post kinda made me realize how much I sometimes take my 2 kitties for granted. Living in a 1 bedroom apartment with my husband, 15 months old babyboy, and myself with these two furballs can drive me oh so crazy. But all the love they bring in my home, it's totally worth it. Just needed to be reminded of that ;)
ReplyDeleteThis is so beautifully written Natalie, and so sad. I hope your family take care :-)
ReplyDeleteOh gosh. I'm crying. I knew where this was going to go when you started talking about your dog. I just knew. That's the thing with posts like these.
ReplyDeleteBless Monty and bless your parents.
Oh Natalie, you have me crying! We are huge animal lovers in our house and have had to say goodbye to several furry babies in our house too. It's rough. I think they leave a huge impact on our hearts and they love us even more than we love them. I am sending lots of love your family (especially your poor Dad). It's never easy to see anyone we love (human or furry baby) leave us. xo
ReplyDeleteWelp, I'm in tears at quarter to 7 in the morning. I'll be thinking of him and your family!
ReplyDeleteThis is so sad. Poor Monty. -My Blog
ReplyDeleteI'm in tears, my BFF is 11 years old next month and my heart will break when his time comes too. Wishing your family the all the best.
ReplyDeleteOh, my gosh. This was beautiful. Monty sounds like a great pup. :(
ReplyDeleteWhat a sweet little tribute! That picture of Monty and Huck is adorable!! There's nothing like a good dog to create some good memories. :)
Natalie, I'm so very sorry for your family's loss. This is a beautiful tribute. In tears...
ReplyDeleteOh puppies. They really do leave too soon. It's pretty amazing how much love they can fit into such short lives.
ReplyDeleteHere we say that when they go, they cross the rainbow.
ReplyDeleteSo just imagine him happy, jumping and looking for treasures between colours in the sky.
Oh I am so sorry to hear about Monty. All your posts are wonderful but your dog ones get me the most--you describe the love they give us to a perfect T. I will be thinking of your family tonight as they say goodbye to Monty.
ReplyDeleteOh I am so sorry to hear about Monty. All your posts are wonderful but your dog ones get me the most--you describe the love they give us to a perfect T. I will be thinking of your family tonight as they say goodbye to Monty.
ReplyDeleteThis is was so sweet Natalie ! I'm in tears at my desk right now ! But so eloquently written as usual ! I'm sure Monty lived a happy full life !!! (Will be thinking about your dad today ! Hope he is ok)
ReplyDeleteThat was a beautiful tribute! I am not even a dog person, but I might become one after this. :) Prayers for your family.
ReplyDeleteThis breaks my heart Natalie. I've been through it with my family dog and my boyfriend just lost his dog a few weeks ago and I had to break him the news. It's just the worst feeling in the world. I'll be thinking of your family and praying for them in this hard time.
Darn you for making me cry so early in the morning and I'm not even a dog person. Thoughts for your family.
ReplyDeleteWhat a great tribute! I have read your blog for awhile, but never commented. We have a westie and I love hearing about the common characteristics of this breed. One of my favorite children's authors is David Shannon (I have 4 boys and they have LOVED all his books). He wrote a book about his westie called Good Boy Fergus! You should check it out, sorry about Monty:(
ReplyDeleteThat was so sweet, and I'm sorry for his passing. Thoughts are with you and your family.
Such a great post!but even more so, such an amazing doggy!
It's good to start thr morning with a good cry, right? This is so spot on, and though I act so practical when asked why we don't have pets (the expense! The baby to clean up after!) it's really because I still can't stand the thought of being left behind again. Prayers and hugs to your sweet dad.
ReplyDeleteOh Monty seems like the best of the best! I'm sorry for your loss and hope he lives on in your memories forever. I was happy to read your Dad got to say goodbye because that would have been so sad if he didn't. I lost my golden retriever Newman (basically my brother growing up) while our family was out of town. It was the only time we ever had to board him in his 10 years and we say he died of a broken heart.
ReplyDeleteThis is beautiful and heartbreaking. Dogs are a certain kind of heartbreak--how true. And yet, I think we're better for them.
ReplyDeleteI lost my puppy brother almost two years ago, and it was hardest for my dad too. My dad didn't make it home to say goodbye - and hearing your dad cry in an airport is the worst type of sound. Just to hear his voice crack as he says he's okay...there's nothing like it. It's the worst, just the worst. God bless you and your little puppy, and your brave dad. It'll get better, but losing my Thomas still feelings like a punch in the heart. And Monty, I'm sure you were a good dog. May you get all the head scratches and arm chairs in heaven.
ReplyDeleteThis just broke my heart this morning! Seriously, bawling at work! I totally understand that connection between Dad and dog. My dad had to put his dog down last fall and, I swear, it nearly killed him. He still won't talk about it. My dad's the same way yours is - he tries to act tough about the animals, but deep down inside he's kind of like Dr. Doolittle. Animals just love him, for some reason. And, like your dad, my Dad works from home (kind of), so he was able to be there for when Moqui took a turn for the worse. If it wasn't for his ability to be home with her I think it's pretty safe to say she would have had a much shorter life. My parents had Moo cremated. Her ashes sit on a shelf in a little, carved, wooden box until the day my girls get big enough that we can all make the trip to southern Utah and scatter her ashes in her favorite place on earth. I SO get where your family is at, right now, and I just wanted you to know that my thoughts are with you all this morning.
ReplyDeleteaw! made me tear up. i grew up with german shepherds (6 total i believe; one of them even having 8 pups when i was 15) and no matter what, they just want to be loved. i miss my dogs sometimes. your dogs sure were loved sooo so much. xoxo
ReplyDeleteim crying. i LOVE my dog like my son, so my heart aches for your family and monty. there is nothing like the friendship of a dog, it's so beautiful, simple, and pure.
ReplyDelete'you're a good dog.' beautiful. XOXO!
Oh my... May God bless your doggy. He seems like a really kind and patient doggy. Love the photo of baby Huck and him together. Stay strong and know that your dog survived 10 good years. :)
ReplyDeleteOh. My. Gosh. I live with my sister, and her dog just passed away from kidney failure last week!!! It was heart breaking. We didn't find out it was kidney failure till after she passed (she passed like 10 minutes before the vet called with the results from blood work). We thought it was parvo, we thought she had ingested pesticides from the bug guy. We just couldn't figure it out. Her vet said there was nothing they could have done even if they caught it earlier. Our Julia passed on the kitchen floor (at only 6 years old), right in front of us. It was the most devastating morning. My thoughts are with you and your family. Our pets are our babies, and it hurts so bad when they get sick.
ReplyDeleteAww I'm eating lunch at my desk and crying. What a sweet guy Monty is! Thanks for sharing his story with us!
ReplyDeleteOh, this makes me so sad. I'm so sorry, Natalie. Losing a beloved pet no matter how far away you've lived from them for years and years is never easy. What a lucky dog to have so many wonderful people who cared for him!
ReplyDeleteOh, here come the tears!! I get it. I totally get it. Sweet dreams Monty.
ReplyDeleteWell, you went and made me all teary. My kitty Ranger was almost 19 when I had to say goodbye to her, and it was so hard. Looking into the eyes of a pet you've loved from its babyhood and deciding to let them go because they are in pain and it's the right thing to do is the most kind thing we owners can do, and the most horrible thing we owners must do. I wish your dad the best.
makes me want to rush home and hug kelly and tell her how wonderful she is to me. she's a good dog too...the best. =)
ReplyDeleteCrying for your family and faithful Monty. How will you tell Huck what happened? My in-laws had to put their cat down a few weeks ago, and just this morning my 2 year old wanted to know where Kitty was. I told him he's in heaven with Jesus and he responded that he's at the doctor. It's just so hard! Thanks for sharing your family's love for a wonderful pet.
ReplyDeleteSuch a sweet post! Our pets mean so much to us, and my heart goes out to your whole family - especially your dad. What a guy.
ReplyDeletehow sweet is this?
ReplyDeleteWhat a darling little dog. My heart goes out to your family as you say goodbye!
ReplyDeleteyou nailed it. my deepest condolences to your family, it's an inevitable yet heartbreaking loss. xo
ReplyDeletei currently have two pups laying across my lap, and am sobbing reading through this. i know i'm going to carry these words with me for a long, long time. to lose a pet, you're right, really is a particular kind of heartbreak. i heard once -- from a source i can no longer place -- that our pets can, in many ways, be like children, or like siblings -- but the crux of their vulnerability is that they never, ever stop needing us, never stop relying on us. i don't think the kind of relationship we have with our animals is really, truly comparable to any of our human relationships. we try to find the words to express them, but i think the closest we can get is to draw parallels. but those comparisons end at some indefinable, but indelible space. that vulnerability is bound to set us up for heartbreak. but in the good moments, it's unlike anything else. sending love to monty, and to everyone who loves him.
ReplyDeleteBeautiful Bridget!
DeleteWhat a beautiful tribute Natalie. Our dogs really and truly are our hearts. It sounds like Monty has had a wonderful, well-loved, life with your family, and truly is a very good dog.
ReplyDeleteIt is such a difficult thing - letting our beloved dogs, or cats, go when it is time. A week ago tomorrow, we took our old boy Leo to the vet (he was sick, and suffering). We hugged him, kissed him, scratched him behind the ears, said our goodbyes, and held onto his paw as he crossed the Rainbow Bridge. He was 15! As we drove home, my husband said no more new pets. We still have two dogs, and four cats to fill our lives, and go through this with - and it is just too hard. Sending warm thoughts, and condolences. xoxo
ReplyDeletethis made me tear up...what a sweet and brave dog. thinking of your sweet family. i once read a 'postsecret' post by a vet tech that said 'when we ask if you want to stay in the room with your pet when it happens, please always stay, they look for you when you're gone..' it stuck with me and i always think of it whenever i hear someone has to let their pet go. pets are totally part of the family, and it's so hard to let them go. my heart goes out to your family!
ReplyDeleteThis hit so close to home -- my Molly-girl, a golden retriever who was just 8 years old, had to be put to sleep unexpectedly when my whole family was across the country on vacation. It was the saddest day of my life! I'm so glad your parents are able to be there with Monty. What a good boy he is! Thinking of you and your family -- will say a little prayer for all of you tonight.
ReplyDeleteand now I'm in tears at work...nose running the whole 9. such a serious heartbreak. sending lots of love to your dad and your whole family as you lose a member. sounds like he lived a beautifully big full life. big hugs.
ReplyDeleteThis had me in tears. Our golden retriever was put down about a year ago, and it really was like losing a sibling since she was with my family for about 14 years. There's seriously something special about a family dog. Prayers to the Lovins and the Holbrooks!
ReplyDeleteWonderful post...I like your blog.^^
ReplyDeleteMaybe follow each other on bloglovin?
Let me know follow you then back.
Lovely greets RAZA,
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this made me tear up -- I'm such a dog lover : )
Okay, I'm crying. This was such a sweet tribute to Monty. And you're right, he's got both eyes in tact now and is living it up in heaven!!
my little dog is rubbing my arm with his paw like "what are you crying and looking at pictures of another dog."
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry. Those little fur balls really do leave holes in our hearts.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteSo very sad. I have a 15 year old dog (Westie) and a 12 year old pup. I'm kind of hoping they live forever. Dogs have such a special place in our lives and our hearts.
ReplyDeletethis is hilarious because this happened exactly to my dad. We found a poem my dad wrote in 5th grade. He told of how they loved Duchess one, but he got hit by a car. Then they had Duchess two, but he died from rat poisoning. Then Duchess 3 was his favorite but she ran away. hahaha
ReplyDeleteSo beautiful, Natalie. Thank you for sharing. I lost My Bella this past December (Great Dane) in much the same way. She had been such a beautiful addition to my life, and then she became ill while my husband and I were away. We, too, had to rush home to be by her side in her last 24 hours, but we wanted her to know how much we loved her - just to be there with her to the end. My vet is so wonderful - he allowed me to sit on the floor and hold her head in my lap as she went to sleep. Just a good and faithful friend - I'm sure she and Monty will be the best of buds in heaven.
ReplyDeleteI absolutely sobbed at this- such a beautiful tribute Natalie! I guess our only consolation when our animals pass is the knowledge that we have given them the best life possible, that they died happy and peaceful and that their life was a success because they gave us the greatest joy. Condolences to your father, this surely will be a very sad and tough time for him!
ReplyDeleteSuch a sweet and tender post! Dogs sure do have a special place in heaven. Prayers for your family! He seemed to be one of the greats!
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness, I'm so sorry. I'm so sad for you and your family. XOXO
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness, I'm so sorry. I'm so sad for you and your family. XOXO
ReplyDeleteQueue the tears. I can't handle puppies dying! I lost my dog I grew up with two years ago and I'm still not over it! I can't wait to see that little rascal on the other side!
ReplyDeleteSo true, all pets are a special kind of heart break. My dad and step mom also replaced us with puppies when we flew the nest. Sadly, both passed earlier this year. Both we such special little loves. But ... they *just* adopted two new little guys. I can't wait to meet them!
ReplyDeletewhat a wonderful and heartbreaking story about your little pal... sending love to your family!
That was truly beautiful.
ReplyDeleteawww little Monty, he sounds like such a good pup. Sending thoughts your way tonight. What an adventurous life he's had.
ReplyDeleteI'm not a dog person, and I just cried.
ReplyDeleteim probably the biggest loser out there. I'm sitting in my living room crying over a dog I've never met. But I feel bad for your dad. I know how much of your family a dog can become and how much love and affection they give. thanks for sharing. you're parents are lucky to have such a loving daughter.
ReplyDeleteI wrote something similar when our sweet dalmatian Simon had to be put down last fall. I think our relationships with our pets transcend so many of our human relationships--they are part best friend, part comforter, part child, part sibling. This was a very touching post. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteAs an owner of a 5 year old Westie, this just breaks my heart. I can't even imagine a future where my Macy is no longer with me. Thank you for writing such a touching post and my prayers are with your family.
ReplyDeleteMy heart is just hurting reading this. Sending thoughts and prayers to you all, especially your pops. Loving a dog is so hard on you, but it's worth the cost.
ReplyDeleteMy heart goes out to you and your family.
ReplyDeleteAwwww.. So so sorry Natalie! Thinking of you and yours tonight and especially your Dad! I know our pup is like our kid and this is heartbreaking! I dread that day terribly!
I went home and loved on my puppy Albie even more than usual after reading this yesterday. I was sure to tell him what a good dog he is and how lucky we are to have him. I added you guys to the nightly prayer time my little boy and I have before he goes to bed. I know it is so hard and I hope all of you are doing well.
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry to hear about your Monty Natalie :( I especially relate to this, because my family dog, also named Monty (short for Montana), passed away somewhat suddenly in April, and I still get all choked up whenever I think about him. He was my dad's best bud too...always there by his side, and I know my dad feels his loss every day. I hope your dad finds a way to cope and that Monty is somewhere smiling down upon him :)
Well, now I'm a crying mess. I'm sorry to hear about your pup and I'll be thinking of your dad.
Bawling ..at work! I had to do this a few years back and its so hard to say goodbye to the fur babies. Thoughts are with your family. So sad
ReplyDeleteBawling ..at work! I had to do this a few years back and its so hard to say goodbye to the fur babies. Thoughts are with your family. So sad
ReplyDeleteSuch a sweet but sad story. I'm so sorry. I'm sure Monty is in a better place now...
ReplyDeleteThis is beautifully written. I very recently had to say goodbye to my dog and I've been heartbroken. But your story about Monty and your comment that there's a special place in heaven for dogs was really comforting ... Thank you!
ReplyDeletejust curious...why didn't your parents adopt from a shelter? Looks like they bought multiple dogs from a breeder. And didn't you used to have some dogs that you bought from a breeder too? I'm sorry for your loss, it is hard no matter where a dog comes from. I hope in the future you'll consider adoption, NY animal control has some of the highest euthanasia rates in the country. GREAT dogs too. I also know there westie specific rescues in new york. Just go on pet finder....for the future...I work in the shelter sector so I see a lot of unnecessary loss.
ReplyDeleteI know this response is a little late, but I couldn't help myself. Yes, it would be great if everyone would adopt shelter dogs. Yes, it would be great if all dogs and cats had homes and we didn't have to make room in shelters by euthanasia. But alas, these are unfortunately pipe dreams. The way I see it, shelter dogs are not for everyone and purebred dogs from breeders need homes too. So do the ones from pet stores. They all need homes. The problem is in breeder and sterilization education. So if someone wants to adopt a shelter animal, purebred animal, heck even genetically modified pet :) (GMP?) - as long as they provide for them, give them the love of a lifetime, and spoil the heck out of them, I am a happy doggie doc.
DeleteNatalie is a smart cookie and surely realizes the state of shelter animals all across the country. This is not the forum to criticize for her family's choice in furry friends. It is the place to appreciate the loss of a beautiful life.
~Kiley (doctor.wally.blogspot.com)
just curious...why didn't your parents adopt from a shelter? Looks like they bought multiple dogs from a breeder. And didn't you used to have some dogs that you bought from a breeder too? I'm sorry for your loss, it is hard no matter where a dog comes from. I hope in the future you'll consider adoption, NY animal control has some of the highest euthanasia rates in the country. GREAT dogs too. I also know there westie specific rescues in new york. Just go on pet finder....for the future...I work in the shelter sector so I see a lot of unnecessary loss.
ReplyDeleteWe never had pets growing up, due to my sister's allergies and asthma. I got a dog as an adult, spoiled him rotten, then left him with my parents when I was going through a difficult time. I will never get him back...and that makes me happy. I joke that my parents stole my dog. The fact is...he stole their hearts. Peace be with you.
ReplyDeleteThis was so emotional, written so beautifully. I'm still heartbroken over my childhood dog teddy whom we lost almost 8 years ago. I can't bring myself to buy another dog. So sorry for your loss!
ReplyDeleteI read this really great little story once about how a beloved family dog was being brought to the vet for his last hurrah (I can't write it any other way) and the parents checked in with the little boy to see if he was okay. He said it was okay, because he understood that humans come to earth to learn how to love and be kind, and that takes them a really long time. But dogs, dogs already come to earth knowing those things.. so they need less time here. Dogs are already angels. I love that little tale. It's so true. My two angels are asleep next to me.
ReplyDeleteI'm so, so sorry for your loss and your dad's loss - there is no such thing as "just a dog". The loss is the same as losing any other family member.
And for anyone who reads this, please for the love of God, please adopt your pets. 10,000 are killed every day. Those 10,000 desperately wanted to be beloved family pets, too. The 10,000 tomorrow, too. Puppies, purebreds, seniors, mutts - every dog can be found in your local shelter. Petfinder.com can start your search.
Thinking your little Monty peace tonight.
This post made me laugh right out loud and then made me sad and almost cry. Well done Nat, and as always, I love your writing style. My mom has a Westie named Watson that she got a few years ago when my husband and I moved out of state and took her grandkids with us. Watson is her fur-child and she works from home while he sits on her lap. It's quite the deal as you clearly know. Anyway, hi and what's up and just want to say keep on keepin on. Loves!
ReplyDeleteI just came across this and I'm now sitting here bawling. beautiful story, losing your pup is most definitely like losing a loved one, a friend. Who else in the world is always, without a doubt, happy to see you day in and day out. their happiness is simply being around you.
ReplyDeleteI hope your dad can find a new little guy who can make him just as happy