1-4. new york city in the spring time.
6. these cookies, which i had to buy since they're wearing a beret.
7. waiting out a rainstorm at a book store and speed-reading the first 45 pages of bossypants while huck played with his feet. (also, i'm really jonesing for a copy of gwyneth paltrow's new cookbook "my father's daughter," and a kitchen to cook them in, and a giant, rustic, wood farm table to eat them at.)
8. huck's awesome church mohawk
9. this new project i'm dreaming up, wherein i nurse in public without a nursing cover for a full week as an experiment.
10. the super rad thunderstorm going on out my window as i type
now you tell me some good things lately!
OMG! You just made me so freaking hungry for PIZZA!
ReplyDeleteI think it might go without saying how excited I am to see the results of the social experiment.
ReplyDeletebeing stuck in a bookstore in NYC during a rainstorm (reading tina fey, nonetheless) seems kind of magical. adding huck's feet playing? i'm there.
ReplyDeleteI got pretty good at nursing my babies sans cover. At least I don't think I was showing anything...
ReplyDeleteHere are some good things:
My sis-in law and her kids are leaving NYC for ten days to visit us in AK
I am 6 weeks pregnant with my fifth baby. No one knows but my hubby and best friend in TX (I think this is a good thing. I still find myself thinking "Oh crap what have I done!!??) I am forty :)
Summer is coming--albeit very slowly up here
I'm sitting here on the bed with my hubby watching Ton & Gerry
Wha...??? "Tom and Jerry"
ReplyDeletegood things...well it's warm out, the sun has been shining for days! kid makes straight a's...they are putting him in pre-ap algebra for sixth grade...still not pregnant (bad thing) that's about it
ReplyDeleteAs my daughter got older I started nursing sans cover cause it was so much easier! She latches really easily now and it's so much less bother than using a silly cover! That being said, I still do do it reasonably discreetly, but I've never had any trouble from people. Mind you, we do live in a small country town that is full of families- a far cry from NY sophistication!
ReplyDeleteAww, huck's church mohawk is cute! Today's awesomeness...I filled up my car, nothing like a full tank of petrol :)
ReplyDeleteSelecting your local pizza joint is a big deal - congrats!
ReplyDeleteThere are the teeniest tinies buds of leaves on the tree outside my house, a sure sign that spring is coming!
ReplyDeleteMy BFF/SisterWife will be here tomorrow. It's been almost two years since I saw her and we are going to tear Chicago up!
Many completed craft projects.
A new blog to showcase such craft projects and my random life.
Church mohawk? Well, I never! I guess that's how they do it outside Provo.
ReplyDeleteGreat social experiment idea. Too many people are squeamish about breast feeding.
ReplyDeleteI live that social experiment daily, since my small person is way too wiggly to allow a cover to stay put! Now that he's officially a toddler, it adds an extra dimension of "freak out the strangers" when he runs over and yanks my shirt down on his own. Ahh, motherhood.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I love Huck's cheeks. They look delicious.
Um too many people are already doing that where I work. Trust me, it just makes people say rude things about you when you are gone. & these are all Utah mothers who also breastfed. It's a modesty thing. No one wants to see your boob hanging out while your toddler plays with it in a craft store. True story.
ReplyDeletemy husband relenting to getting a dresser from a dumpster the other night and letting me paint it for an entertainment center.
ReplyDeletesimilarly, garage sale season- a dream come true for this med student wife!
my 7 week old's big gummy grins.
QT (cadillac of gas stations) vanilla dr. pepper...
please post about the social experiment, i really want get good at discreetly nursing without a cover in public, my boy doesn't do so well eating under there and he gets a heat rash, plus it's such a bother. i'll have to start practicing being discreet at home. do you nurse in sacrament/other blocks if needed? i hate the smell and scratchy chairs in the mother's room.
I am a nursing fan, but 1) I HAAAAATTTEE seeing other people's boobs (and I'm from Oregon--you'd think I'd be used to it!) and 2) my second darling daughter HAAAATTTEESS her nursing cover. It's awkward. I don't mind an artistically draped t-shirt, but full-on boobage? Urrk. No thanks. Though it's a lot easier when you have boobs in the single-letter range...which I don't. Boobs are overrated, did I mention?
ReplyDeleteGood things? It's in the 60s today (which of course means it's snowing tonight here in UT), we're touring a house today, and I made an Easter tree. Good times.
I'm on vacation. That is good:) with my mom. Making it hard to relax, but I'm determined to enjoy myself! Seeing as my husband and two kids are back at home.
ReplyDeleteI am DELIGHTED about your social experiment, and would love to hear the outcomes. (I am currently an admin assistant who is trying to turn birth assistant/professional - so this experiment is right up my ally!)
ReplyDeletegood things...this weekend I am leaving rainy New England for warm (???) texas to see my dad! and my twin! yay!
these are our good things of the moment.....
sharing like this seems to be in the air!
great post - always inspiring!
great things!
ReplyDeletei've been enjoying fully blossomed trees, the last of my girl scout cookies, my latest issue of redbook, and watching my daughter get closer and closer to walking!
and when i nursed, i did it in public all the time. i just put a burp rag over my exposed boob. i felt like the cover said, "nursing exposes my breast, and in case you think its sexy for a baby to suck milk, i'll pretend like we both don't know what's happening under this pretty cotton sheet that loops around my neck." i only flashed someone once (that i know of, at an ikea food court).
We are (finally) moving into our newly built house! Over 2700 square feet, a far cry from the little two bedroom house we are moving out of. :)
ReplyDeleteWe're almost done moving into our new house which used to be a church out in the country! And the blue I'm painting the master bath is lovely. And the guy there before us left his washer and dryer, and the Green Acres theme song gets better every time I sing it :)
ReplyDeleteGood things:
ReplyDeleteIt's almost "my" weekend, and the boyfriend has lots of manly activities planned...I ragged on him because he never plans anything for us to do, so we're watching the social network, going to the driving range, going mountain biking, and then sunday we're going paintballing with his friends! I'm actually excited to get my inner guy on!
Also, speaking of good things...
I LOVE nursing pictures! I am totally the type that is like "that is awesome, mom's nursing!!" And not in a pervy way either! I think it is beautiful!! I think people need to get over their own insecurities and accept nursing in public!! If we were all brave, we would just do it and then people would be so used to it that there wouldn't be an issue!! :)
ReplyDeleteyou have the neatest pictures : )
ReplyDeletei completely LOVE your blog! for my awesomeness, i just got a job as a part time cruise ship nurse. can't even wait to get started!
ReplyDeleteHey Nat, Hi baby Huck! I just had my first and most awesome Jury Duty experience. We only had one bossy pants juror, and its wasn't even me :o)
ReplyDeleteWHERE is that pizza from??
ReplyDeleteIf I promise not to tell the world about your secret pizza joint, will you tell me? We need some good pizza. I'm always at 2 Brothers ($1 slice) for lunch, since it's the cheapest/closest/easiest thing to eat on my lunch hour. And then I go eat it in Madison Square Park and wish I had 2 hours to stand in line at Shake Shack.
ReplyDeleteSelecting your local pizza joint is a big deal - congrats!
ReplyDeleteelectric heat pump