Ohh Barney, Barney, Barney.

If ever I need a moment of entertainment I like to look at Peter Pan and see what he can come up with for me. Usually he's doing something weird, like analyzing the pattern of the wood grain on the furniture or sitting forlornly under the bag of doggie toys hung just out of his reach making needy eyes at me. That dog is always thinking about something, you know. You can stare into Peter's beady little eyes and see the depths of the oceans, the heights of the mountains, the eternities of the Heavens, the square root of Pi. He is just a weird little dog.

And then, there's Barney.

Barney is a little bit stupid.

You stare into Barneys eyes and all you see is goofiness.

He is the biggest ball of love and devotion you'll ever meet.

Barnaby MacDuff joined our family on a stupid day in July. I can't really say what possessed us to do it. We were just running around town coming up with random things to entertain ourselves with ("Wanna get a soda?" "Sure!" "Wanna walk the mall?" "Sure!" "Wanna get a dog?" "Why not?") and then there we were, staring into the eyes of the cutest, sweetest, tiniest, funniest little baby Scottie.

He was only barely six weeks old, which is awful, if you know anything about puppy development. We saw that little dude sitting there in that cold metal cage and I just knew he was too little, that he was all alone, that he needed litter mates, and that he really needed a mama.

So we brought that dog home so I could breastfeed him, obviously. I'm really glad we did. He's brought a lot of heart to our little family of four.

When Barnaby sits it is not with the daintiness of Peter Pan, who sits almost in slow motion, his ears perked just-so. If Peter Pan had pinkies they would constantly be up. When Barnaby sits he just collapses onto the ground with a THUNK, legs spewed every which way. Either it is deliberate or not, I haven't decided. Maybe he selects his resting spot ahead of time and then artfully dives into it? Or else maybe he is just ambling along with no preconceived strategy to life until something deep within his psyche shouts sit! and then, THUNK.
I guess depending on your perspective on life it is either one of these things.
I guess depending on your perspective on life it is either one of these things.

Sometimes I like to play a little game with Barnaby when he is laying on the couch. I stand in front of him with my arms folded and just look at him. The minute we make eye contact his tail starts rotating fast enough to propel a small jet airliner. Thunk-thunk-thunk-thunk-thunk it goes against the back of the couch, his eyes open as wide as they will go while he lays there like a dead fish. When I move my eyes away from him the thunking slows, until it stops and he sighs. Phew. I'll give him a minute and then I'll look at him again, and then whump-whump-whump-whump goes his tail against the couch again. Some days I feel like we do this for hours. He is so, so sweet.

Barnaby MacDuff will make you fall in love.

But Barnaby MacDuff is always getting himself into trouble. It is like trouble follows him around, fascinated by the amount of things it can convince Barney to do.
I try not to admit this to myself, but actually if I were a dog, I'd be a Barnaby MacDuff. For sure.
I try not to admit this to myself, but actually if I were a dog, I'd be a Barnaby MacDuff. For sure.

Mama loves you, Barneyskoodles.
LOL. I love this post its my favorite you've done by far since I started following your blog. Geez choosing between the two is hard because they are both so cute. I would have to go with Peter Pan because he looks like a cute little man. Like in a past life he was a writer and wrote novels. He does have that smart look about him.
ReplyDeleteI want a Barney!
ReplyDeleteI think that having both is the only way to go... a perfect world. The brilliant and the... well, not so. Your pups are wonderful, as is this latest post!
ReplyDeleteI would probably love Barney. Because I like dogs that like me. EXCEPT for the case of my parents' dogs. Zoe is aloof and pretty and definitely Alpha Female, while Simon is constantly giving you PLEEEEEEASE LOVE ME eyes.
ReplyDeleteBut here is a game I play with Zoe. She'll be chilling outside the kitchen, watching us humans eat. And I'll stand up slowly, and then jump and whip my head towards the windows. And she'll sit up and look too. Then together we RACE to the front and stare at the street. Then, I jump and look at the BACK of the house, and she will too, and then together we will RACE to the back windows.
We do this, oh, for a good 20 minutes, and then I scratch her ears and tell her she killed whatever we were looking at (usually ficticious). And then I make her walk like a human.
Sorry. Long.
omg i think the baby barney is the single most cutest dog in the entire world. i want him! and i'm definitely not a dog person... that's saying something. but peter pan's personality is awesome.
ReplyDeleteI'm a tutor at a middle school, so there are the good-natured kids and the trouble-makers. I love the good-natured ones, but my heart belongs to those terrible, awful, mischievous imps. I think it's their unadulterated love of life that I think I lose so much of the time. :)
ReplyDeleteI think I side with the troublesome one. While he may not be the sharpest tool in the shed, he'd make me laugh....and I love that about my own pup.."Chubs"..sometimes, he just looks at me and cocks his head from side to side like he's trying to "figure me out"..and I just die laughing....
ReplyDeleteDogs make an average Tuesday night at home...anything but average sometimes.
Your little pup reminds me of a very troublesome ornery cat I once had...same home from a night out to a winter wonderland...an entire living room covered in white. It looked like the north pole in there. Troublesome kitty shred THREE...count them...THREE rolls of paper towels all over the room. The couch, the chair, there was shredded towel on top the television....lining the clock on the wall...it was like amazing how precise her accidental tissue placement had been. I thought to myself, no mere cat could of done this in one night....but then i looked at her and thought to myself...but she is no mere cat....and she absolutely wasn't....
OMGosh I was laughing all the way through! I'd definitely have to pick Barnaby Baby. Except he's like a spoiled step-child and as soon as I'd leave my house I'd drop him back at Aunt Nat's.
ReplyDeleteI always go for the bad boys, so it'd have to be Barney. He just seems more fun.
ReplyDeleteI'd have to choose Barney! Both are cute, but after seeing those baby pictures of Barney, there's not much else to say!
ReplyDeleteAlso, I am clumsy and goofy too, so I think he would understand me :-)
Peter Pan, of course, He is the perfect size for holding, and He LETS you hold him, who could say no to a dog who likes cuddles? Dogs were made for cuddles!
ReplyDeleteI have a Labrador who is too big to hold, and if I try he thinks I want to wrestle, and he ends up biting me, and I end up bruised(literally) and bloody(sometimes).
Peter Pan has made me want a Wire fox terrier.
I can see why you couldn't pass up baby Barnaby at the store..too cute!
ReplyDeleteIsn't it crazy how much of a personality dogs have, and how different they can be when they live in and were raised in the same house?!
Oh yeah...I am a Barney fan!
From one crazy dog lady to another - I loved this post. Your pups are lucky to have you! :)
ReplyDeleteFrom one crazy dog lady to another - I loved this post! Your pups are lucky boys!
ReplyDeleteI've had hyper dogs. My favorite dog in the whole world was mad as a hatter, but I'm also grown and have little ones and no energy for more hyperness around here. I'm going to go with Peter Pan. I'd like to find myself a nice calm dog, if I could be guaranteed a calm dog I might actually consider getting one.
ReplyDeleteI have to go with Peter Pan. He is so calm, not a fighter - and doesn't leave the big messes to clean up - the biggest plus in my opinion!
ReplyDeleteI think the crazy puppy antics might drive me crazy! But, looking into those sweet eyes, I just melt.
ReplyDeleteI love them both. I'm a huge scottie fan they are such cute dogs, my parents have a westies which is very similar. What breed is Peter, he looks like an Airedale? He is very cute too, I would have to have both!
ReplyDeleteJust before you wrote about Barney's stupid soulful eyes, I was thinking "But how can you look into those sweet eyes and not love him??" Hellish as he may be, he's a cutey!
ReplyDeleteAwwww. :D I love Barney.
ReplyDeleteI would just love to scoop Barney up and snuggle him!
ReplyDeleteI loved this blog today! I am a huge dog lover and have had so many in my life. Each have left a paw print on my heart never to be forgotten. I have had three Shelties in my life and each of them LOVED to raid the bathroom wastebasket....aaaarrgghh! They would always look innocent as though they could NEVER do that! Miss them so....Right now I have a lovely lady Golden ..Annie and a whippersnapper Chihuahua mix...Stewie who have me wrapped around there paws...thanks for sharing a great story of your little poochies.
ReplyDeleteI think they are both equally adorable. However, you can see the mischief in Barneys eyes LOL
ReplyDeletegreat post!
How could anyone choose between your two adorable puppies? Barney has the looks and knows they are what helps him get away with all the trouble he causes. And then Peter is just the wise one who is above all that. (Thats my understanding based on what I've read of your blogs). I feel the two of them average each other out and make up one normal dog (if there is such a thing).
ReplyDeleteOh my gosh. I had a Barney. His name was Jasper. The biggest trouble maker in the world. He was a Basset Hound. Died in December last year. I still have another dog, the sweetest, most kind and loving creature ever to walk the planet. Her name is Pollyanna. She is by far my favorite.
ReplyDeleteSo, I think I'll have to go with Peter Pan because I've already been there and done that with the trouble makin' Barneys.
Isn't it amazing that your doggies are so different? Like, completely opposite-ends-of-the-spectrum-different!
ReplyDeleteThe posts dedicated to your dogs makes me wish I had one.
Especially Barnaby MacDuff. I already know I've chosen the wrong answer (because if there's a "right" answer then there has to be a wrong one, right?)
Having said that, I hope your children are more like the Pan...
I don't know what you were expecting him to be, I mean you did name him Barney, dumb kind of comes a long with that territory.
ReplyDeleteAt least he has his looks and big giant heart. I'd pick Barney.
I am indecisive and laughing so hard I am crying, so no choosing between dogs today. Kiss them both on the mouth for me though....
ReplyDeleteIn the back of my mind, I always sort of thought that when I finally got a dog, I would end up with a super-smart dog, like one of those ones you see on Oprah that alerted its owner to early-stage cancer or can count with its paw or do the entire John Travolta dance part of "You're the One That I Want." And I would train this dog so well and she would just be a natural at learning everything and would look at me with so much human-like understanding in her eyes and I would KNOW she understood exactly what I was saying. Not so. Wren is dumb. She is a dumb dog who can't determine the difference between "sit" and "down" and "paw" and "up" so when she sees a treat in hand and hears a command, she just does all of them in order again and again until you give her the treat.
ReplyDeleteOMG! This is awesome! I love the way you write, as always, and now I'm totally in love with your dogs. They have such personality. Don't they? Although Peter would totally entertain me as he spouted sonnets, I have to go with Barney because I'm a goofy dog lover. I have a 70-lb, extremely smart in a really dumb way Labrador who never fails to bore me. Sometimes her stupidity is just so stinking awesome! I can't help but get a laugh out of her every single day. The goofiness is never ending!
ReplyDelete#1: your last few posts have been gems.
#3: though the way you describe Peter is pee-your-pants hilarious, I'd have to say I'm a Barney person, because he reminds me too much of my own mutt.
Barney is my favorite. As the proud {?} owner of a needy, neurotic, 85lb golden retriever...I love the disturbed ones. :)
ReplyDeleteBut what I wouldn't give to have a calm, sophisticated Peter Pan.
Your blog is very well written; its always neat to see what you've got in store for us today :) .
ReplyDeleteI don't think I could choose between Peter Pan and Barney! The two together give each other such personality! They wouldn't make such wonderful little fuzzy characters without one another.
Great post about Barney. It's funny mine is a bit of a fighter. She's almost a year now and she does come around to give me love in her own way on her terms. She's a terrific little thing.
ReplyDeleteCheck out my Barney if you have a moment only she's a girl.
I am gonna have to go with Barnaby. Simply because my own two dogs are stupid as well (and littermates, I call them the moron twins) and the episode with the trash sounds quite familiar.
ReplyDeleteThis is the way things work around here - While I'm reading the post, I'm thinking "Awww, Barney!" But then Peter Pan wasn't getting enough love in comments, so I felt bad for him, and thought, "Awww, Peter Pan!" So, I will have to agree w/ the commenters woosing out & picking both dogs. But isn't that the great thing about it - you don't have to choose because you get them both! : )
ReplyDeleteVery cute photos, think researchers at some New Zealand University published a paper saying eat your dog, well upshot was something like a medium sized dog is twice a polluting as a SUV driven 10,000 miles a year.
ReplyDeleteActually, I don't come here for the dogs or the Holbs... I'm a fan of your style of writing. It's so alive.
ReplyDeleteaawwwwww so cute :D
ReplyDeleteI vote for Peter Pan! Who can resist soulful puppy eyes?
ReplyDeleteI too have a barney and a Peter at home ( except they are lilly and Nixon)my hubby and I always say if we could combine them they would be the perfect dog :) So I'd have to say both because I can never choose!