Lately The Holbs has been communicating to me via post-it note.

I find them all over the house, stuck to the most delightfully weird things (dishes in the sink?) usually hours after the message was intended.

Which, obviously, increases the awesomeness tenfold.

I have been following your blog since you premiered on the infamous Blogs of Note.
ReplyDeleteI am on to you.
You publish your posts late in the night when everyone else is sound asleep but oh lucky for me (and you!) I am a night owl ("studyin").
I get first reads aside from you and the hubby most likely!
K done creeping you out!
oh and LOL at him leaving you post it's. Men are so weird.
ReplyDeleteWhat's fantastic in my life right now?
ReplyDeleteI'd probably have to say Harry Potter, amazing, wonderful, hansome beater of boredom caused by having nothing to do and nowhere to go.
My dear lovely love Brandon has been quite fantastic, especially since he comes home in 12 days (and keeps a running countdown)! Not to mention, he just sent me flowers AND he told me he bought me a wicked sweet Christmas gift.
Also, baking seems to be pretty fantastic. Especially the chocolate-chocolate chip muffins I made yesterday, and the 6 dozen cupcakes I made for a childrens' choir.
And of course, blogging is pretty fantastic. Let's get real here, without being able to blog my world might just come to a screeching halt.
Your blog is awesome and I always look forward to reading it!
P.S. thanks for the marital advice in Ask the Rat last week (yes, that was me who asked!)
ReplyDeleteLots of love and God bless,
Awesomeness in life is teacher for 2 hours today and calling it a day full of work. Walking up a mountain and smelling the clean air. Studying Korean with friends. Planning holidays to China, Japan and the Philippines. Oh and reading blogs. I call this my daily reading. Kat :)
ReplyDeleteps love the little notes!
And when I say teacher I totally mean teaching!!!
ReplyDeleteSo cute! I love Post-It Notes.
ReplyDeleteAnd I just wrote a novel in 30 days. So that's pretty fantastical.
P.S. Since someone else already started the "Let's Creep You Out" game, I'll add that I've loved your blog since it was Blog of Note (I'm sure I would've loved it before then, I just didn't know about it, you see). You make me smile. Isn't that weird? We don't even know each other.
P.P.S. The Constitution and the Declaration of Independence are two way different documents, if that matters at all. But I get what you're saying.
ok, I thought I was the only one getting first dibs on posts, since I'm waaay over here in Italy and light years ahead...betcha sleepin' right now, eh? How's that for weird and creepy?
ReplyDeleteI've loved your blog since blog of note, too, Nat.
As for the fantastic goings on in my life, just this morning the elderly Mrs. M brought out her knitting needles and started teaching me how to knit. I coveted her sweater, you see.
Hmmm, Something totally fantastic now is that I have just moved in with my boyfriend for the 'festive period', which is very exciting (and also somewhat nerve-wracking at the domesticity of it all) although I have be told its ONLY until January...but I have a few tactics which may win him over! I wonder if he is a fan of post-it notes like The Holbs is ;)
ReplyDeleteHmm... something fantstic in my life right now...
ReplyDeleteI'm getting married in 18 days, My 16 year old has finally seemed to pull his head out of his butt, and actually buckle down nd get some work done, and I managed to drop my lptop from my arms last night while walking,and it did not break. I am counting THAT as fantastic!! :)
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ReplyDeleteMmmm, fantastic is a tall order - but I have been doing my Christmas shopping and in some freaky, cosmic present-buying aligning of the planets I have managed to score some corker presents for those that I love. The type of present that you just know people are going to absolutely lurve, and it takes all of your will power to keep a lid on it and not blurt out what you bought them. Christmas cannot come soon enough.
ReplyDeleteBest thing in my life right now happened this morning on the subway, when Jai Ho came on my iPod and brought up memories of the summer and excitement for next summer and next thing I know I was grinning broadly despite the fact that I have to be at work today for the first time in a few days and I am not excited at all.
ReplyDeleteAnd run-on sentences.
Fantastic is the way I spent most of my working day draping tinsel all over my workplace ready for Christmas. I love that I got paid for that time!!!
ReplyDeleteThat's great:) My dad leaves notes everywhere to and I think it's more because he has a really bad memory and has to remind himself to do everything.
ReplyDeleteSomething fantastic about my life....I kissed the guy I've been "dating". It's a big deal because he's the first guy I've dated since I had Lex...that's the first guy I've kissed in, hmmmm, 14 months...yikes. I was a little nervous:)
Fantastic? Um. I seriously can't think of anything fantastic! Which really stinks. Thanks, Nat. Um...um...let me think. I can't even say my house is tidy! Sheesh. Sorry. I'm empty. OH! I do have pecan tassy dough in the fridge all ready to be made into little bites of delishousness. Also, we're having FHE tonight since we didn't have it last night due to the kids getting home late from an awesome play date with their dad (while I was working, I might add. Hubs is out of work now. Not so fantastic). Six year old daughter is in charge of the treat, so we're dipping pretzels in chocolate and sprinkles.
ReplyDeleteNow THAT is fantastic! Whew. That took a lot of work, and now I'm wondering if I should be on antidepressents! *shakes head* I mean, really, should it have been that hard? :oP
Oh! Also fantastic is that it's December 1, which means I can now indulge in Christmas music to my heart's content! Whoot!
I have really enjoyed reading your blog. It's whimsical and fun, Holbs seems like a cute guy, and I like his official looking post-its adorning your home!
ReplyDeleteTruly fantastic or faux fantastic? I can try for either. And you'd never know the difference so long as I play it right.
ReplyDeleteI am in the airport right now. It's 6:23am. That is not fantastic. That sucks.
The three fantasticks: I am, for the first time in years going someplace without my laptop and this is even a work trip. I found a place here that vends Clif Bars. Bought three. And the third: when purchasing my Cliffies the cashier asked where I was headed. I told 'im. Asked if it was business or pleasure. "Work." asked what I do. "Sell drugs." His counterpart froze in shock. I love it when that happens.
Well - lots that is fantastic but something stressful blotting things out a bit at the moment. But hopefully the fantastic will start to shine out by the end of the week. Love the post-it notes. Wish I could make rose-buds.
ReplyDeleteHow about a husband who doesn't get mad when I just run out and buy a sewing machine. Mine broke, I got ticked and bought another. Pretty impulsive, really, and he is nothing but supportive. Now that is wonderful!
ReplyDeleteWhat's fantastic is that today was my first day back at work after 3 months on maternity leave. Please don't misunderstand me - I love my kids and missed them terribly and I don't take them for granted. But. For the first time in 9 weeks, I was able to go to the bathroom alone. I was able to eat without one child in a carrier on my chest and the other climbing onto my chair and putting his dirty hands in my food. I was able to make phone calls without having to gag anyone. And I didn't have to answer any questions for about 4 hours at a time.
ReplyDeleteAnd what's even more fantastic is that I'm getting a pedicure tonight! (Oh, I also sell drugs!)
I love Post-It notes so, so much!
ReplyDeleteoatbran. oatbran with peanut butter, pumpkin butter, pumpkin pie spice and cinnamon. and a sliced banana.
ReplyDeletebut whats even better is it's about that time of month to TTC. tmi? course not.
Another fantastick: airplane WiFi. I'm bewitched. I am flying and commenting. What a way to pass the flight.
ReplyDeleteMostly I'm just panic-stricken that there are so few days until Christmas. (Isn't "stricken" a fun word, though?) I totally thought I had a handle on the Christmas shopping; I thought I was MOSTLY done. And, although I'm technically more than half-done, it's only SLIGHTLY more than half-done, and I'm feeling rather sick about the mess I'm in.
ReplyDeleteYou see, I don't adore shopping anyway (I'm blaming it on being raised with 4 brothers), but shopping turns from "not great" to "my own personal hell" once Thanksgiving comes to pass. ESPECIALLY Black Friday. I tell you what, I'd rather pay full-price than deal with the crowds. And Black Friday brings out the worst in people, dontcha know. I like to put a bit of time and effort into the gifties I give, but heading to anywhere retail in December sucks the life out of me.
I think I'll have to finish my shopping on Amazon or Etsy. Online is the key ingredient, of course.
And I better get a gettin' NOW because DANG IT ALL, CHRISTMAS IS ALMOST HERE!
But to end on a happy note, I'm still on a high from my week-long hiatus that was Thanksgiving week (plus the weekends before and after!). Such a great time is what it was!
I just wrote a fantastic comment, and then when I hit "Post" it totally disappeared. UGH!!!
ReplyDeleteMostly, I'm just panic-stricken that Christmas is upon us and I'm not nearly as ready as I thought I was. I thought I was MOSTLY done with my shopping, but it turns out, I'm not. (Isn't panic-stricken a fun word, though?) Anyways, I'm technically more than half done, but only just barely.
You see, I'm not your typical girl. I never adore shopping anyway, it's just not my thing (unless I'm in a book store, I mean). BUT...once Thanksgiving comes to pass, shopping goes from "not fun" to "my own personal hell." For shizzle. And Black Friday is the worst of all days; I put it right up there with PACKING. Ugh, I'd rather pay full-price than deal with Black Friday. I swear, it brings out the worst in people. And it doesn't stop there though, does it, Natalie? No, once Thanksgiving is over and done with, the stores are packed. I hate going anywhere retail for so much as milk, because every store is packed with holiday shoppers.
Needless to say, I'll be the remainder of my shopping online.
And I better get a gettin' since Christmas is just around the corner...
To end on a happy note, though...I've got a couple of things to look forward to in the next 2 days, so it's all good.
I just wrote a fantastic comment, and then when I hit "Post" it totally disappeared. UGH!!!
ReplyDeleteMostly, I'm just panic-stricken that Christmas is upon us and I'm not nearly as ready as I thought I was. I thought I was MOSTLY done with my shopping, but it turns out, I'm not. (Isn't panic-stricken a fun word, though?) Anyways, I'm technically more than half done, but only just barely.
You see, I'm not your typical girl. I never adore shopping anyway, it's just not my thing (unless I'm in a book store, I mean). BUT...once Thanksgiving comes to pass, shopping goes from "not fun" to "my own personal hell." For shizzle. And Black Friday is the worst of all days; I put it right up there with PACKING. Ugh, I'd rather pay full-price than deal with Black Friday. I swear, it brings out the worst in people. And it doesn't stop there though, does it, Natalie? No, once Thanksgiving is over and done with, the stores are packed. I hate going anywhere retail for so much as milk, because every store is packed with holiday shoppers.
Needless to say, I'll be the remainder of my shopping online.
And I better get a gettin' since Christmas is just around the corner...
To end on a happy note, though...I've got a couple of things to look forward to in the next 2 days, so it's all good.
Love the post-its. I do the same thing to my hubs. Plus, it seems a lot of husbands are named Brandon... just like mine! :) What a great name! Right?
ReplyDeleteFantastical lately -- Christmas is in the air! And I. LOVE. IT. Our Christmas parade is Thursday. The campus bookstore is having a Christmas open-house tomorrow. And the Agri Dept is hosting a poinsettia sale Thursday and Friday. Its all so cheerful I can't stand it! :)
Holbs is too funny. You've gotta get him Crucial Conversations for Christmas. Wow - Sharon's "fantastics" really were! Lucky laptop and congrats! And Jack&Alli - you forgot pumpkin-spice cream cheese! And DangGina - I totally agree on the crowds vs. bargains choice. My fantastic is this: yesterday I got a Christmas reservation at our comfey fave resort for a great dealio! And I got some other happy news! And this morning I made an awesome egg-white, jalapeño & sundried tomato omelet!
ReplyDeletei adore your blog, it's so fabulous! i went to school with your sista amanda, we were roommates (alyssa dart too) her freshman year and we sang in choir together at osu.
it's so fun to follow your musings! keep it up:)
We've decided to do a service Christmas. So I'm pretty much done shopping, fantastic I tell you just fantastic. Also I made a little improvement to my pumpkin roll, added a little nutmeg to the cream cheese frosting- it was devoured in minutes.
ReplyDeletep.s. I love waking up and checking to see what's on your blog for the day-thanks for the good readin'
Um, sadly I can't think of anything totally "fantastic" to tell you about MY life...however, you must understand, your husband....with the red hair, runs a little hotter than your average person, you have to forgive him for the thermostat thing!
ReplyDeleteThose post-its are freaking adorable btw...
Sorry about my 300 comments, Nat. For some reason, the comments didn't show on my computer; feel free to delete the 299 that are just unnecessary repetition :)
ReplyDeleteI LOVE the little "love notes". Holbs needs to train BIG D on that one!:) I also LOVE the pic of you in the bulb! TEACH ME HOW!!!! Miss you bunches and have the Merriest of Merry this Christmas season.
ReplyDeletep.s. email me your address for the CARD, seeing I might get one out this year, unless it's on myfam. I'll look.
I thought I wanted to grow my hair back out long, so I did that all summer. I was wrong and I cut it back my usual angled bob with red and blonde highlights. I am ecstatic!!!
ReplyDeletei'm studying shakespeare and it makes me excited about words!!
ReplyDeletemy best guy friend ever, he's a total tease, yet the kindess guy i know...love ya curtis!!
ReplyDeleteWell, I'm a new follower and think your blog is pretty fantastic. It makes me giggle and things that make me giggle are fantastic. And it makes me think, and likewise, thinking is fantastic.
ReplyDeleteIn my own life, what I think is pretty fantastic right now are my boys two of whom are six and eight years old -- there are 3 altogether)and these two utterly inspiring boys designed an artblog -- they are selling their art to raise money for children in Africa. If that isn't fantastic, I don't know what is! And of course, you must check it out -- that would be especially fantastic! http://brothersartblog.blogspot.com
My very best friend finally (after 3 years) left her not so nice boyfriend. I find that incredibly fantastic! And my two year old learned to say ladybug which is so adorable it has to fall into the category of fantastic!
ReplyDeleteHAving the same issue Nat. I decided a week or two ago that I am going to write a book. I am going to write a book about something very interesting too. I know what it is about, I know what I want to say, it's all planned out. I am going to contact a literary agent and this book is going to be published. If I could only figure out how to slow my mind down and get these thoughts to paper. Every time I sit down to write about what I had planned to write, millions of brand new thoughts on how to say what I wanted to say come rushing in and spilling over into the older thoughts which were good to begin with but now are all mixed up again...Iiiiinnnnnhaaaaaaaaaaaale. So anyway, that's what's going on over here. The book has a forward so far. It's a start.